“How Cognitive surplus will Change the World“by Clay Shirky matters because he talks about the importance of cognitive surplus, the ability for the world’s population to volunteer and collaborate on a large scale, sometimes global. This article matters to me because cognitive surplus would give me the ability to receive a lot more accurate information. If your studding the earthquake in Haiti, then you cannot just use Wikipedia because it inaccurate and it’s only one source. A scientist does a number of trials for a science experiment so he can get accurate data. “How Cognitive surplus will Change the World “matters to education because schools would be able to excess boat loads of information by just typing in one URL. This would save teachers and students time because we wouldn’t have to verify if the article is true because hundreds of other people wrote the same thing or not. This article matters to the world because it would a revolutionary way to make sure news is true while searching it. If 20 News channels saw theirs should be be snow and someone built a engine to put this data together there will be snow. “How Cognitive surplus will Change the World” matters because it’s a revolutionary idea to modernize collecting data.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
PLN #22
"Education Reform is Re-establishing, Redefining and Retooling” by David Warlick matters because it’s talking about how a school is the equal of a factory. This article is the same concept as the RSA animation “Changing Education Paradigms”. This matters to me because I won’t to be interested when I learn, but instead I am forced irrelevant equations, writing styles, and famous dates. I know the majority of the stuff we learn is important, but it’s not interesting. School is about as boring thing as a factory. Do everything over and over again until you graduate. This article matters to education because the school system isn’t meeting a student’s standards. Schools need to raise their standards along with students. Without coming to a median, students will find school as not necessary, and the rate of drop outs might increase. This article matters to the world because it’s not only affecting American, other world powers must be realizing this too, but will they do something about it?
PLN #21
"Changing Education Paradigms" by Sir Ken Robinson matters because it talks about how every country in the world is reforming public schools. There are two reasons Economics and Culture. This video matters to me because we’re trying to fix current problems with past solutions. Our current school system is based on era that’s out dated and not suited for our time period. Without a sensible solution students will continue the boring day of being forced to learn reading, writing, history, and science. Some of these subjects don’t even suit students. This video matters to education because all schools are just putting students on an assembly line and shoving in standard subjects, sometimes against the students will. “Changing Education Paradigms” matters to the world we need student’s who are learners, not people who can memorize information and barf it up on a test. Students need to be learners, but also students need to want to be learners.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
PLN #20
“Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution? Well…Maybe” by Will Richardson matters because it talks about how students would eventually teach each other even in elementary schools (teachers would just be a supervisor). Letting students teach students in a classroom in just not within America’s reach. This article matters to me because I would like to see student’s teaching other student’s so kids would be on the right level. Student’s being the teacher can result in not enough learning, learning something that’s not true or not learning at all. How will student’s play they can’t take their teacher, who’s a student, seriously. “Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution? Well May…be” matters to education because this would put peers in the teacher’s seat and let them drive the class. With a student teaching other students they all learn and they develop public speaking skills and organization. This article matters to the world because this would be a bad idea because teachers would lose their jobs and there wouldn’t be a degree for teaching. Colleges would lose a course and if students would be the teachers then they wouldn’t get as much useful information. In a college course I would fell more confirmable with someone who has real world experience. A revolution would be nice, but do we need it?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
PLN #18
“Tis’ the Season for Technology” by Gary Stager talks about how schools are mobilizing for the new technology phase in America. Only once in America’s life time, did students have more technology in their house than the schools. “Tis’ the Season for Technology” matters to me because know I will have tools at school that aren’t regularly available at home. Sure I have a laptop but, I don’t have access to a teacher to ask questions to. This article matters to education because schools are going overboard with the holiday sales this year. There making IPod labs! What educational benefit does this offer to the students? Sure they can take video and record sounds, but really!? With the ever dwindling school budget we need to conserve it for the old stuff like books, paper, pencils, the huge monitors, and projectors. If the school still has more money left over then why are we complaining about the schools budget? “Tis’ the Season for Technology” matters to the world because technology is becoming a virtual part of our lives. It seems that technology and education go hand and hand.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
PLN 19
“Boys and Boredom” by George F. Will matter because the human race is the only thing on the planet that can sustain boredom. That is why so many of our preteen and teenage boys look to audio and video entertainment. This matters to me because “Fifty years ago, the onset of boredom might have followed a two-hour stretch of nothing to do. In contrast, boys today can feel bored after thirty seconds with nothing specific to do.” To tell you the truth I was bored from reading this article by the bottom of the third paragraph. Why can’t I focus on one specific thing? These matters to education because in a technology advanced classroom, such as my English 9 class, won’t kids wonder off and play computer games. I have seen people do this and I have done it quite a lot myself. Could this be another reason why America is falling behind in reading, writing, math and science against other countries? “Boys and Boredom” matters to the world because I have seen this only in countries that are super powers, which makes me think, why is only affecting only those countries? I believe the answer to be that in a super power country people have money and time for luxuries. Boredom is known a part of the human race.
Monday, November 8, 2010
PLN #17
“What if?” by Karl Fisch matters because it talks about the fact that cell phones, iPods, and other electronic devices used for entertainment are frowned on by schools. The truth is that these can be used to excel students learning and prove helpful in classroom settings. For example a student can us a iPod or a iPad for background music for a presentation. This article matters to me because today I used my phone to write down my homework, but I had to ask for permission to us it, why? Cell Phones can be for good reasons like a bunch of people have iPhones which can access the internet and be a useful device in classes where you don’t have access to a laptop. Personally I don’t think schools ever gave iPods, cell phones, mp3 players, etc., a chance to be useful in the learning environment. “What If?” matters to education because every day student brings iPods and cell phones to school. Scene the school systems budget is getting smaller every year what if the school system took advantage of the technology that students have in their pockets? This article matters to the world because corporations don’t like people using Facebook or Twitter in the work space, but I can be used to contact other countries, other companies, corporations or in your own building. Instead of spending thousands of dollars for a service that is free through Facebook or Twitter, to contact other workers with reminders, information etc in order to increase productivity for products the company makes. Why won’t society cell phones, iPods, iPads, mp3 players, facebook, twitter, etc, a chance to be used in a professional learning or working environment?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
PLN #16
"All eyes on Colorado Senate race" by Kevin Simpson, Allison Sherry, and Michael Booth matters because everyone is talking about the race for the senate seat in Colorado. Whoever will be elected is probably going to make a splash with their senate seat. This matters to me because I was learning in Spelling and Vocab. today and my teacher talked about freedom versus safety and I am wondering is that how these two men function, one if fighting for our freedoms (Michael Bennet) or our safety (Ken Buck). Also, If I influence someone else's vote there are making a vote off of my assumptions that I have only got from commercials or short little articles in ads online. This article matters to educations because either of these people could affect the school system for good or bad. I don't know their views on education but these two men will have a lot of political power compared to a principle who wants to avoid whatever they want to inflect on the school system. These matters to the world because as of the senate they can vote on how foregin affairs, which we have already screwed up, with other world powers or for new laws that may restrict our freedoms or give us some back. Micheal Bennet and Ken Buck are going to make a splash in our country and ourselves.
Monday, November 1, 2010
PLN #15
"School Would Be Great if it Weren't for the Kids" by Alfie Kohn matters because it stats that we should be blaming the students for the majority of drop outs and bad grades. Students are to blame, we are given the material and what we need to do to succeed but we just blow it off or don't put in the work ethic. This article matters to me because I know this is the truth and saw this in my self. It seems that blaming students for poor grades would be a great American past time, it should be like screaming at a baseball game. Instead the people that actually accuse the teachers wouldn't blame their kids because they're their little angles.
This article matters to education because everyone thought teachers need to up thier game, but the students need to carry thier own wieght too. The majority of Students always have blown off work or saved it for the last minute because we are too lazy to do it or we forget. Students do need to be blamed from a educational stand point. This article matters to the world because I think this idea has only struck the US, and everyone is just watching us for our next move against this very persuasive argument. Bennet and Buck are being dismal against each other with all the attack ads on the web. The world might soon follow, but will teachers, students, principles, etc, submit to this idea or just blow it off?
This article matters to education because everyone thought teachers need to up thier game, but the students need to carry thier own wieght too. The majority of Students always have blown off work or saved it for the last minute because we are too lazy to do it or we forget. Students do need to be blamed from a educational stand point. This article matters to the world because I think this idea has only struck the US, and everyone is just watching us for our next move against this very persuasive argument. Bennet and Buck are being dismal against each other with all the attack ads on the web. The world might soon follow, but will teachers, students, principles, etc, submit to this idea or just blow it off?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
PLN #14
"A Turn of the Phrase(s)" by Will Richardson matters because it talks about how:
"We need to move beyond from the idea that education is something that is provided for us and towards the idea that education is something we can create for ourselfs"(Stephen Downe).
Why this matters is because this idea is something that we all look past, we can still customize education to a students strong or favorite subjects. This matters to me because I personally belief student's should have more cuztimazation to our schedules. I don't like the idea that you may get into the class you want. This matters to education because it would show the students intrest earlier then when you write it on a college apllication sheet. It would give the college's the ability to track students as they progress through highschool instead of reeading what we do once we send our college apllication. This article matters to the world because many people have seen the struggles of students trying to get into college when there electives show no sign of what they are intrested. What if your intrested in Computer Automatied Desgin but you don't end up getting Tech Studies for a elective. The school board needs to re-think the idea of school has to be provided for us in order for us to learn.
"We need to move beyond from the idea that education is something that is provided for us and towards the idea that education is something we can create for ourselfs"(Stephen Downe).
Why this matters is because this idea is something that we all look past, we can still customize education to a students strong or favorite subjects. This matters to me because I personally belief student's should have more cuztimazation to our schedules. I don't like the idea that you may get into the class you want. This matters to education because it would show the students intrest earlier then when you write it on a college apllication sheet. It would give the college's the ability to track students as they progress through highschool instead of reeading what we do once we send our college apllication. This article matters to the world because many people have seen the struggles of students trying to get into college when there electives show no sign of what they are intrested. What if your intrested in Computer Automatied Desgin but you don't end up getting Tech Studies for a elective. The school board needs to re-think the idea of school has to be provided for us in order for us to learn.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
PLN #13
Today I read "Our Google Advice to Students: Major in Learning" by Jonathan Rosenberg. This article matters because it takes about how companies need to attract the most intelligent workers in order to "secure the single biggest factory for competitive advantage" says Peter Drucker. This matters to me because it strongly points out the fact that a college degree is going to secure you economic security after you graduation. The world views a college degree as a "I am really smart in this field of study". Without a college degree your chances in the job market are bad, even the fast food places are running out og jobs. This article matters to education because of the increasingly competitive job market we all need an edge, and the only edge we can get is going to college and getting a degree. Who ever decided that going to college is the only successful outcome of highschool? This article matters to the world because this can't just be happening to the US, overcrowding is happing in countries all over the world. With overcrowding more people are looking overseas for jobs, mostly the US. Even more jobs are being taken over seas so there is no way to secure a job without facing a lot of competition. I was taking to my neighboor and he told me about his job interview he had today, he told me he was just one of 1,000 people appling for that position. "Our Google Advice to Students: Major in Learning" says you need a major's degree in order to succeed in life, but why do you require one? We can't you just be smart and get on wiht your life?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
PLN #12
I read "You Know this is True" by Will Richardson, this article talks how students just memorize the material and completely forget it after their final test. There is no way to stop this process because students find the information irrelevant to new material they are current or going to learn. This maters to me because this is exactly what I do and probably every student does it even, straight "A" students and teachers just ignore that fact, they have never try to fix or overcome this problem. Do you realize that when a teacher ask us about information from last year we either take a long time to recall it or you don’t know the answer. Towards the bottom of the article is a comment that really grabs my attention," When did society decide that going to college was the only successful outcome of high school"(wmchamberlain 8-10-2010)? This comment really struck me; everyone says you need a college degree to be successful and to make a defiant amount of money in life. Sadly this is true because American society revolves around education; it changes your life for better or worse. "You Know this is True" matters to education because I would highly doubt that I will remember every piece of information I get in school, sometimes our brain just throws out the old and welcomes the new. This also happens with memories to, how many of you remember anything from kindergarten? In other words the more we learn the dumber we get. This matters to world because every world power is centered around education, but the poor countries are centered around hard work and sweat. Everyone is just creating a increasingly bigger social class difference between Countries not people. Maybe this is why America is falling back in Math and Science against other countries.
PLN #11
I watched "2020 Vision" by Karl Fisch this video takes about how the world would change dramatically. This video matters because he wasn't that far off, the world is still changing dramatically. Mr. Fisch refers to events that have already occurred and builds off of them as far as year 2020. This matters to me because I will be graduating in 2014 and so much has changed scene I was in kindergarten. Scenes then millions of internet sites have been created, Moodle was created, and countless amounts of technology have made their way into the class room. The million sites out on the internet supply a limitless amount of information instead of what we find in textbooks. Moodle is a great resource for kids and teachers alike, and that's only come in recently, so there must be greater ideas and inventions yet to come before I graduate. Currently in my English class we have laptops for everyone that we us for writing essays, doing, research, and much more. Basically we can do everything we could have done on paper except faster and more efficient. Without these tools we would probably be learning less then students’ full potentials. This video matters to education because our form of education will be around as long as the human race exists. That means that education will keep evolving and be helped along by technology. New inventions will change our schedule how we think, courses, life, and how we spend our time at school. "2020 Vision" matters to the world because as the video progressed Google became a bigger part of our life. Does that mean Google could have a Monopoly in the field of technology? Monopolies are outlawed but once Google gets big enough not even the federal government will be able to stop them. "2020 Vision isn't accurate buts' got the basis down; will technology evolve so fast we can't keep up with it?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
PLN #10
I read "School Would be Great if it Wasn’t for Kids" by Alfie Kohn, originally this article didn't come from Google reader I found a link to it from another Google reader blog called "What Glee: reflections on teachers and learning". The first article I mention matters because it talks about after we blame teachers we need to blame students, wait... what!? He says the reason behind blaming students is they can't summon the drive to work harder and succeed. This article matters to me because I realize this in myself a lot lately; I don't want to work at all. I would always take the easy way out, but it come back to bite me in the butt. For example the reason I am redoing this article I am typing right know is because I got a poor grade on it. Know I am wasting my time redoing something that if I worked a little harder I wouldn’t be redoing. This article matters to education because this could cause students to be forced to work harder, there really isn't a way yet, but someone will eventually figure it out. Also it matters to education because we all know that the US is falling behind in education in the world competition, but what if it’s because students are lazy? This article matters to the world because it can probably change every countries view on education view. We need to start blaming students because their also part of the cause!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
PLN #9
"Rigor Redefined" by Tony Wagner matters because it talks about two vital questions that every students deals with, what skills do I need to have a successful carrier in life and what skills do I neeed to be a good citizen. There is a median between these two questions, but you have to be able to distinguish work from play... and who can do that? "Rigor Redefines" matters to me because I am just a freshman but I am already feeling the heat from realitives, peers and teachers to perform well so I can get into a good college and claim a well paying job for my own. At the smae time I am trying to manage time with freinds and have fun. The majority of the time I blow off my responsibiltes of school work to go hang out wiht freinds which causes me to get bad grades and redo work( just like I am doing know). It semms I can never just stay in the middle I always drift to one side or another without even trying to. "Rigor Redefined" matters to education because everyone who workds for a building that teachs younger people material does there best to improve how much material a stidnent can take in and how to use it accordingly, but on the other hand there's always your social life whihc invlovled freinds. We have all seen someone who always shows up late to class and wears his pants down low. We all know who he is and say to ourselfs that kid needs to get his act together, but at the sae time we all want top be him. He's real cool has a girlfriends and his social life is at its best, but some people wants to take the risj of bad graes and being unpopular which is why we all try to bridge the jap, but no one can. "Rigor Redefined" matters to the world because this also happens among countires. All world powers try to trade the most to increase money and popularity amoung foregin powers. World Powers also try to be the most intellectual: this shows through the space race, the weapons race of WW II, etc. Counties also try to bridge the jap, but they always fail and it usually ends up as a amred conflictt, just like Vietnam or Iraq. 'Rigor Redefined" is just pointing out how society is constantly fighting over a those to questions on a large scale,such as the world, or a small scale, such as ourselfs.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
PLN #8
I read "School as A Video Game" by Will Richardson this article matters because it talks about video games being the future of our schools. Video games becoming part of our schools might really lower the laziness in American schools. This matters to me because everyone views video games as a time waster and unconstructive to the learning environment. This matters to me because who wouldn't want to play video games all day instead of sit in a class from for an hour and listen to a teacher give a lecture.? "School as A Video Game" matters to education because students would be able to learn through a digital environment. Also teacher would have to adapt to new learning styles. This matters to education because it would open up a new field of study and new jobs that would help our economy improve. Once I graduate from college I will probably be working in a job that doesn’t exist right know. This article matters to the world because it says that video games would become helpful to education. This could change how every nation in the world teachers their students. The one thing I don't know about is will it be for better or for worse? "School as A Video Game" is an idea that is far away from our times but maybe not our younger generation of students, this article matters because it would change how teachers teach, students learn, create more jobs, and change the world as we know it..
Sunday, September 19, 2010
PLN #7
"The Machine is Us/ing Us" by Micheal Wesch matters because it proves that machines are using the human race to get smarter, eventually, they will be smarter than us. If the human race will keep making technology better we are basically digging our own grave. This video matters to me because I use the internt offen and I have favorties vist about 20 sites a week then my computer will probably learn what I like to do and take me their automaticaly or it will block that site so I discover new sites, ideas, blogs, news, etc. Thsi video matters to education because the web is used as a tool in many classrooms around the world, so what if the computer started to teach the class? This video matters to the world because computers are already taking jobs like the toll booths, they have this new thing that reads a little device on your windsheild or reads your license plate and bills you. If technology keeps inproving there will be only a few jobs out there that people can do, but you will have to have some skills. We need to get wiser when it comes to technology, we already have a huge factor of people that aren't working in the US. So why do we have to keep taking jobs off the market with technology?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
PLN #5
In Will Richardson's "Footprints in the Digital Age" he talks about the fact that every parent wants there child to have a positive image on the web. This article matters because it symbolizes that colleges do Google you and see what you have on the internet. Therefore if you have a bunch of terrible work and pointless videos on blogs and Youtube theb they're going to look for another person to take your place. This matters to me because if you don't use the internet and nohting comes up when colleges search you then they will think you don't like technology and in this ever modernizing world that's a bad thinf. I don't want a college to judge me by looking at my internet usage, it seems too indirect. This matters to education colleges do Google you before you're accepted and if nothing or bad stuff comes up you're not going to that college. You would have to be a MIsanthrope to avoid usin the internet for social stuff. Education is almost totally modernized and if you don't go along for the ride your going to be left behind. This matyters too the world because of the ever increasing compition in the job markets and collegs taking more people in who won't even get a job in there field of study, we might become the dumdest country in the world. In "Footprints of the Digital Age" it clearly states that we need a positive image, but what if we aren't the ones making our self's look bad?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
PLN #4
I read "Old and New" by Will Richardson because this article matters to me, "Why you say?" because it shows that we are all like Will's kids, curios to a certain point. This blog s I liked this article because it described a family moment that involved to curios kids and a really big tree. Will Richardson went up to see a huge dead tree that was almost 200 years old. His kids being curios and all looked up a equation and figured out. Will said when standing with your back against the trunk that you can't see any blue sky at all. This matters to education because it shows how important field trips can be, lasting memories of work come from being out in the field putting equations and learning to the test. For example I remember taking a field trip to the zoo to study our favorite animals in 2nd grade, a animal pooped on me that field trip. This could mean to the world that not all accomplishments are in a office, some can be outside in the open air. It could also mean spend more time with your family while they can. Family and education are important put them together into one idea and they suddenly become very important.
PLN #3
"Is Google Making Us Stuipid?", by Nicholas Carr, matters because it states that through the use of the internet more that our own brain, our brain will function as a computer and become dependent on the Internet. So, basically since the computer will exceeded the human brain in less that 4 years, as a species we will be dependent on technology and without it we are stuipd. This article means to me is that we will be a technology based country for the rest of our lives. Technology also changes the way our brian functions, it can change it's self to use the Internet as a add-on, to increase our intelligence. If in fact we're becoming more independent on technology why not stop so, by educational means, we become smarter. The reason we do this is because we can't. For example Mrs. Smith said she tried to go without her cell phone and computer for a week and she barely got through it, she also said that all she could think about was how many emails would be in here inbox, how to stay caught up on events, and how to teach class. That was just a cell phone and a computer, not all of the technology in her life. If we got rid of technology for education it would be a great triumph, but for the human race, it could never happen. For the world technology is a way of communicating, trading, having fun, etc. The Internet is something we take for granted, if we had a disaster that destroyed all of technology (like all those movies and video games) everything would come to a stop. Without technology the world would change back to the mind set of pilgrims coming to America for a new start. We want technology, we don't need it.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
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